Heritage SK-AT

The Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich works together with Lower Austrian and Slovak partners in the cross-border Heritage SK-AT project. We have set ourselves the goal to explore, digitize, present and to carry on the cultural heritage of the region with many activities.

Focal points are:

  • digitalization and Web presentation of traditional crafts and sample collections
  • exhibitions in Castle Jedenspeigen and mansion Modra
  • cross-border conferences
  • cross-border days of open studios
  • mutual acquaintance of institutions and museums
  • festivals and presentations on the topics of viticulture, fruit crops, craft tradition

This project was created as part of the bilateral project Heritage SK-AT, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the cooperation program Interreg Slovakia-Austria 2014-2020.

Äpfel in verschiedenen VariationenÄpfel in verschiedenen VariationenDas Heritage SK-AT Projektteam bei einem Treffen im Museumsdorf NiedersulzKeramik im Bizmayer Museum in ModraBesucher im AtelierMoleetten im Museum Walzengravieranstalt Guntramsdorf Moletten Sammlung in der Walzengravieranstalt GuntramsdorfDigitalisierung im S´LUK Zentrum in BratislavaHandwerker bei der Arbeit in der Keramikwerkstatt in ModraSchnitzerein auf einer Weinpresse im Kleinkarpartischen Museum PezinokZiegelwand im Bizmayer Museum in ModraZiegelwand im Bizmayer Museum in Modra