Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich, Foto: Katrin Vogg
Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich, Foto: Patricia Nekuda
Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich, Foto: Patricia Nekuda
Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich, Foto: Patricia Nekuda

We offer a wide range of training programs and we address all those who are particularly interested in museum work, cultural mediation, research into local and regional history, but also in small monuments or in the specialist field of Folklore/European ethnology.

All courses are held in German and take place at various locations in Lower Austria. 

Our courses and seminars convey theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Top-class speakers, who are firmly anchored in practice, focus on current topics, developments and practical solutions in lectures, during excursions, in courses and workshops.

  • The Lower Austria Museumskustodenlehrgang (in German), a seminar for museum custodians, and the practical courses convey basic knowledge and practical skills for daily museum work and dealing with collections. The modules can also be booked separately.
  • The seminar Regional- und Heimatforschung (in German), a seminar on research into local and regional history, conveys methods of scientific research, provides information on archival work and historical sources and provides guidance for research and the writing of chronicles and posts on local history.
  • This advanced training offer is supplemented by a wide range of lectures and excursions on the specialist topics meadow and small monuments (in German), local and regional history (in German) and folklore (in German). 

              Details on the seminars in German
