Welcome to the Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich

The Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich GmbH, the Museum Management of Lower Austria, is a non-profit cultural society that

... documents the rich museum landscape in the state of Lower Austria with around 750 museums, collections, exhibition houses, memorials and themed trails.

... supports and connects full-time and volunteer workers in the fields of museology, meadow and small monuments, research into local and regional history and folklore/European ethnology.

... offers advice and courses to all persons interested in the cultural sector.

... is the contact partner for the museum grant from the State of Lower Austria.

... is part of the Kultur.Region.Niederösterreich.

... a partner in the Heritage SK-AT project, the Interreg-project with Slovak partners.

... is a partner in the I-Cult project, the Interreg-project with Czech partners.


The cultural heritage of the common border area of South Bohemia, Vysočina, South Moravia and Lower Austria is the focus of this project. The Czech-Lower Austrian museum landscape is intended to be imparted to visitors and residents of the border area in a more attractive and accessible manner.



Heritage SK-AT

The Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich works together with Lower Austrian and Slovak partners in the cross-border Heritage SK-AT project. We have set ourselves the goal to explore, digitize, present and to carry on the cultural heritage of the region with many activities.




