Our guiding principle

The Museumsmanagement Niederösterreich GmbH, the Museum Management of Lower Austria, is a non-profit cultural society that manages the museums, collections, memorials, exhibition houses and themed trails in Lower Austria. It is a 100% subsidiary of Kultur.Region.Niederösterreich GmbH (in German). Its task portfolio developed out of the concerns of the umbrella organisation of museums and collections in Lower Austria, the Association of Museums and Collections of Lower Austria, founded in 1990 and the cultural objectives of the State of Lower Austria (in German).

With our work and high practice-oriented professional standards we want to contribute to the positive development of the museum facilities in Lower Austria.

Our responsibilities

We maintain a database and an archive for the entire museum landscape in Lower Austria. Inventory recording and improvement of depository situations of significant collections of culture and natural history are among our priorities.

We initiate the networking of museums and collections among themselves and arrange contacts with science and professionals. We advise on specialist issues, the structure, functions and operation of museums and develop working aids for the museum practice.

By issuing publications, articles in magazines and organizing events, such as the Springtime at the Museum in Lower Austria (in German), we create a lasting impression of our country's cultural particularities in the minds of the population.

We organize meetings, certified courses and seminars on museum practice and cultural mediation in the field of education and also in the specialized field of meadow and small monuments, research into local and regional history as well as folklore/European ethnology.

Our target groups

As an educational institution, we address museum staff and employees as well as people of all ages who are interested in museum work and cultural mediation, regional research, small monuments and dealing with collections.

As a service centre, we advise mainly volunteer workers in the cultural sector, but also public and private museums. We inform the culturally-oriented public and the media about cultural particularities and activities in the museum landscape.

As a documentation centre, we archive for science and research as well as future generations. We act as the contact point for the regional administration and cultural institutions in Lower Austria.

Our strengths

Our strengths are a high level of expertise, extensive knowledge of museum developments and good networking in the professional world.

Our educational aim is to provide a practical and need-based training to small groups. The high level of our wide-ranging offer is guaranteed by qualified speakers with direct practical relevance and current issues.
